A Two-Story Deckscape Garden Plan


  • Product Description

      Landscaping around a lower deck is a lot like landscaping around the foundation of a house. But things get trickier when you're working with a two-story deck. That's because you have to blend the structure with the landscape, then shade the deck without crowding the lower patio. This garden accomplishes both of these tasks beautifully.

      Featured plants include serviceberry, fountain grass, black-eyed Susan, purple coneflower, bachelor's buttons, vinca and more great annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees.

      This Two-Story Deckscape Garden Plan performs best in part sun to part shade and cold zones 4 to 9.

      The Two-Story Deckscape Garden Plan is a four-page, 510KB pdf file. It includes: 
        • The gardenscape painting shown above 
        • Overhead plan view 
        • Tips on taking care of your new garden 
        • Detailed plant list with cold- and heat-tolerance zones 
        • Planting plan blueprint 
        • Shopping list to take to the nursery
        • PLUS, a 2-page article, "Preparing Great Garden Beds"

  • Product Details